The humbling effect of the hard learning time

It’s been a hard week, but I’ve learned so much it has left me a little stymied.

And quiet.

I find that when the lessons are coming fast and furious and the stance is cut off at the knees I kneel whether or not I was prepared to. I knelt willingly, and cried. I hope that means I was prepared.

I’ve seen glimpses of pride that reminded me I still have growing to do. I will always have growing to do, and I pray I’m always willing to absorb the lessons. With God’s help, I will be.

The best thing to come out of all this is how this leader was led in the most Godly of ways. After what we’ve been through in the past, it restored my hope that there really are bodies of Christ who get the whole Jesus thing, who understand discipleship, who equip and empower others, who extend grace beautifully and remain steadfast in truth while loving on the learner.

I long to be that kind of leader.

Another lovely gift in this is a new friendship with a Christian writer I can see myself growing alongside.

I received some of the most spirit-founded wisdom I’ve ever received this week, and it forged relationships that I’m pretty sure God knows I need. I haven’t exactly been open to deep friendship lately. In the flesh I don’t want that to change, but if God has other ideas I don’t want to close off. His ideas are always better than mine.

I experienced deep grace on the part of key people in my life this week.

I don’t ever want to forget that.