Another Blue Monday


My dear friend and sister-of-my-heart, Suz made this delightful mug rug and coffee coozie for me, and especially since it’s such a lovely shade of blue I thought this might be a good time to share it. I parked it atop my Child Development class notes, partly because that’s kind of where I live lately, and partly because the colors all match.

On a side note, if you ever order a Dunkin’ Donuts Coolatta, be prepared for a coma in a cup. I had to ice this one down like mad to deal with the sweetness. And if it’s too sweet for me, you’d better run.

Happy Blue Monday, loves.

Blue Monday

Christmas Morning Waffle House Breakfast 2015

Her spirit floated heavenward on Tuesday and we formally said goodbye on Saturday and it’s felt like Blue Monday for nearly a week. I mostly feel like I don’t have much of a right to miss her since I couldn’t spend a lot of time with her on a regular basis, but miss her I do. I always loved extended family gatherings when we could sit off in a corner and I could listen to her stories of family and teaching and anything else that popped into our minds. She would always mention that she was dying, and my face would darken and she would hasten to mention that she wasn’t sad about it at all because she knew where she was going.

It isn’t always easy to have a happy outlook about what is going on in this life, and some Mondays are especially Blue. I love the weekly happies she always posted, and I’d like to try to join with so many of her other readers and friends to keep that tradition up here, at least as often as I can. Even when I feel somewhat less than happy.

I love you, Smiling Sally. See you on the other side.


Smiling Sally