My daughter and I have been talking a lot lately. Not that it’s anything unusual for us to talk, but it’s been a little bit easier now that I’m not so crazy busy all the time. This is actually what I envisioned (hoped for) when I backed off my other commitments to turn my focus more directly on her and her brother and less on people outside our family.

So in our talking she has been saying she doesn’t really want to go to public school; it was more that she was just wanting more of a social outlet to round out homeschooling. Apparently she needs more than being with her dance team three or four evenings a week and going to sports events at local schools and to the movies and the mall and…well, yeah. :)

Anyway, I’m just glad to hear that she isn’t keen on the whole idea of public school. Heard about another shooting today. I think that’s the third one this week that I’ve heard or read about. One of the incidents was pretty close by, maybe half an hour away from where we live. A kid took a loaded gun to school in his backpack and when he plopped it into a chair, it discharged and shot two students, both of whom were in pretty serious condition at last report.
I’ve been posting a lot less on Facebook lately. Seems every status update riles someone or makes people jump to the conclusion that I’m talking about them and then they start defending themselves while I shake my head and wonder why I even bother with it any more. After shaving 456 people off my “friends” list, I’m already streamlining the group of people I regularly interact with. I guess backing off even further won’t hurt me any. I’m spending much more time reading, writing, and blogging lately anyway.

Back to the talks with my daughter. I’ve come to look forward to our near-daily chats about everything from education to careers to internet stalkers (we have people who seem to be obsessed with our family and can’t seem to leave her alone on one of the lesser-known social networking sites) to cooking and learning skills for living on her own to college degrees and how necessary they really are in various career fields. Basically we just chat about whatever comes to mind, and I’m having a lot of fun. I think she is, too.

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